April 2024 Newsletter
From the President
With the Summer season drawing to a close I would like to congratulate all winners of club and centre competitions.
Also, many thanks to all our volunteers who have given up their time for the successful running of the summer program and can now have a well-deserved break.
Over the summer we hosted the Hāwea B.C. while their green was being refurbished, and now completed we wish them all the best for play on their new green. It looks fantastic.
We now look forward to winter stadium bowls commencing with the Edgewater Trophy competition on Monday 13th May.
Tom Malcolm
Winter Bowls
Get ready for another exciting season of winter bowls starting with the Edgewater Cup tournament, proudly named after our local gem, the Edgewater Hotel!
Event Details at a Glance:
Start Date: Monday 13th of May
Format: 2 Bowls Triples (Which has changed from last year 3 bowls Triples to speed the games up)
Start Time: 7:00 PM - 9 PM every Monday
Location: Wanaka Bowls Club stadium
Entry Fee: $5 per night - With nightly nightly prizes to be won
How It Works:
Our unique format ensures fast-paced games, perfect for both seasoned bowlers and newcomers alike!
Each Monday, join us for the only club night during the year, where teams are drawn randomly, ensuring everyone gets a chance to shine. With positions as lead, 2nd, or skip, you'll be assigned based on your
experience level, so there's no need to worry about your skill level.
The Edgewater Cup Champion:
Throughout the year, your eight best scores will contribute to your total score. The player with the highest score at the end of the year will be crowned the Edgewater Champ and receive a $150 Edgewater voucher!
Don't underestimate your chances - the cup is up for grabs for leads, 2nds, and skips alike. We will update you each week on who's in thelead and how you're doing.
Current Champion:
Did you know that Arthur Sutherland currently holds the title? Will you be the one to dethrone him this year?
Open to All:
The Edgewater Cup tournament is open to all club members, both men and women. Join us and test your skills against the best - who knows, you could be the next Edgewater Champ!
Sign up:
To be part of the action, simply come down to the club and sign up foreach Monday's event. The sign-up sheet will be available the following week in the stadium, starting each Monday evening, allowing you a full
seven days to secure your spot. However, with limited availability for only 30 players each evening, don't delay in getting your name down.
For any questions just ask Murray Finn or Tom Malcolm
Other Changes to Winter Bowls:
The Tuesday afternoon sessions of 2x4x2 will not be offered at the commencement of the season. If required they will be reinstated.
Note the change of dates for the first stadium Tournament Mixed Pairs Triples is now 1&2 June.
To the Members of the Wanaka Bowling Club: Dated March 24, 2024
This is a quick note to thank you very much for your recent donation from "the ambulance box". It came to $555 which we really appreciate!!!
We hope you get many more people with the "wrong bias"!!!!!
Thanks again for you generosity.
Wanaka St John
Terrific Win for Mark
(Press Release for Wanaka Sun)
Our first Championship for the season was won by Mark Daniels and he went on to win The Champ of Champions 1-5 year Singles on Sunday 3rd March at Clyde. He beat a very strong competitor, Dave Chisholm of Clyde, who has just returned from the NZ Fours clocking up a Bronze in Taranaki last month. Mark beat Dave with a creditable score of 21-10 in the final. Mark was playing splendid bowls and was unworried throughout the day beating Roxburgh's Carl Street in the quarter final and Arrowtown's Geoffrey Palmer in the semifinal with clear wins.
Mark has been steadily increasing his portfolio of success with winning two junior Central Otago tournaments and Central Otago Champ of Champs triples last year. This January, Mark competed in the NZ Men's Pairs in Christchurch (a huge draw) with his brother Paul from Auckland, qualified through the rounds and reached the round of 16 before being eliminated.
Wanaka Bowling Club has some very strong juniors (bowling 5 years and under) coming through the ranks. Gavin McDonald put up a strong fight against Mark in the club final but had no answer to Mark's consistency.
Pictured on the left is Mark Daniels (Wanaka) with Runner-up Dave Chisholm of Clyde.

Upper Clutha Excel
Press Release for the Wanaka Sun : Was abridged in by the Sun editor.
It is no mean feat to win a Central Otago Champion of Champions but the Wānaka men's bowls team have done it again. The triples team skipped by Murray Finn with Todd Swain second and Mark Daniels leading took out the title for the second year in a row on Saturday 23 March at the Alexandra Districts Club green, the venue for this years playoffs. Murray Finn commented that, "It was team effort, everyone contributed, and we had very close games where we came out on top due to more consistency with our draw bowls." The Wānaka team took out the ADC men on their home green by 2 shots in the semi final and the Arrowtown men by 1 shot (16-15) in the final.
On Sunday 24 March, the Hāwea men's fours team: Ethan Flynn(s), Kyle McGowan, Joel Corry and Arthur Sutherland were the victors. They took out their Wānaka neighbours Richie Muir, Tom Malcolm, Gavin McDonald, and Ross Niles by one shot in the final (12-11). It was a very significant win for Hāwea as they have just opened their renovated green in the last month. Lawrence Hardy, President of the Hāwea Club commented on how excited the club were by their achievement. "This centre title win is just the icing on the cake for our season," Lawrence Hardy said.
12 Clubs participated in these events from the region. Players have generally played several games at their club before reaching the playoffs for overall Champion of Champions in Central Otago.
Photos Substituted: Apologies to Hawea their team photo was submitted and not printed in the Sun

Open Day 16 March
Press Release for Wanaka Sun: Unfortunately not printed
Lawn Bowls a Game for all Ages
No longer is this a game for the elderly. In fact, the biggest comment people make is "I wish I had started this earlier." Why? Because not only do you have to have good balance, coordination and memory to deliver a bowl accurately you have to be fit enough to play half days upwards for as many as 4 days in a row... That is, if you want to compete at the top level. Don't worry though, if you are now restricted to a wheelchair or sight impaired you can still play bowls.
We have sets of very small carpet bowls which are biased and suitable for small children to get them interested in the game. Once children reach 10 years old most can hold one of the smallest adult lawn bowls. Most of the New Zealand representatives have a history of starting as a child, maybe with a grandparent and by the time they are out of their teens they are making a development squad.
Our club currently has members from 30 years upwards and some younger playing in our Trade Bowls summer and winter. We have at least 11 men over 80 years old playing in the club regularly, with at least 7 of these playing Wednesday and Saturday Competition in Central Otago.
We are very pleased to be actively involved in the community, and we welcome the community through social groups as well as offering a Friday progressive bowls throughout the year to all bowlers, not necessarily members.
Who: Everyone, School age upwards
What: Wanaka Bowling Club Open Day
When: Saturday 16 March 9-12pm
Where: 130 Tenby Street
Why: Timed to coincide with the week of sports Sport Otago - Takaro Festival of Sport, Active Rec, and Play
Gordon Hall with a junior school group
Cardrona Alpine Group of staff 4 March who enjoyed outside playing of bowls until the weather drove them inside.
Congratulations Championship Winners 2024 (Played but not previously in a Newsletter.)
Credit to the ladies who not only send me the photos but dress up for the occasion.

Men's Triples
Mark Daniels, Murray Finn (s), Todd Swain

Women's Fours
Amy Swain, Bev Mee, Heather Malcolm, Marilyn Steel (s)

Women's Triples
Amy Swain, Rhonda Hurley, Marilyn Steel (s)

Women's Singles
Winner; Bev Mee:
Runner Up: Marilyn Steel

Men's Fours
Tom Malcolm, Gavin McDonald, Ross Niles, Richie Muir (s)

Men's Pairs
Winners: Richie Muir, Tom Malcolm
Runners Up: Murray Finn, Fin McRae

Men's Vet Singles
Winner; Murray Finn

Women's Jnr Singles
Winner; Rae Hammond

Men's Jnr Pairs
Winners; Chris Wright & Gavin McDonald

Women's Pairs
Winners: Raewyn Hall (Substitute for Kathryn Liggins)& Pip Kiddey (s)
Runners Up: Holly Davies & Kim Tilly(s)

Women's Jnr Pairs
Winners: Bev Mee (s)& Heather Malcolm
Runners Up: Helen Allison (s) & Alison Perkins
Club Stuff
Saturday Premier 41%
Saturday Div 1 45%
Saturday Div 2 67% (first)
Wednesday West Zone 44.5%
Tuesday Interclub Morning Pairs 3rd
Tuesday Interclub Afternoon Fours 4th

Supporters watching Fours Champs 22 March

Supporters watching Fours Champs 22 March

7 March: District Club Mixed Fours. The District Club catered with a great morning tea and lunch. Thanks for all visiting teams who came and supported the tournament. Congratulations to the winning Wanaka team; Kathryn Mitchell, Ken Allison, Helen Allison and Peter Herbert

Women's Ferns March Winners:
Barbara Wilson, Sherril Harries, Jenny Sawers, Delma Guy

Women's Easter Tourny Winners:
Jan Allen, Judy Briggs, Barbara Wilson, Dorothy McDonald

20 March: Hodge Trophy tournament.
Thanks to our match committee for organising a delicious Subway lunch prior to the tournament. Congratulations to the winners Marg Young, Nicola McDonald, Kate Norman

Mens Old Mug March Winners: Norman Matheson, Sandy Morris, Geoff Thomas and Roger Marshall.

Women's Ferns April Winners:
Raewyn Hall, Marg Read, Kathryn Mitchell, Barbara Wilson

Wellman Tournament Winners:
Last womens club day today. Thank you Wellman electrical for sponsoring our 2 bowl triples tournament which we had in our stadium due to wet outside conditions. Congratulations to the winning team: Delma Guy, Kathryn Mitchell and Yvonne Gale.

Congratulations Margaret Read for winning the highest number of points accumulated for the season for the ferns days. Margaret is pictured with Jan Allen, match committee convenor, receiving her prize.
March Corporate Event Report
Another quiet month for Corporate bookings at our club.
4th March: A big event with over 100 staff from Cardrona-Treble Cone Group enjoyed their summer wind up with a lovely meal supplied by their kitchen. We had 8 helpers and as we got rained off, they dined, then continued some bowls in the Stadium.
We ran a 'spider' placing prizes of lift passes and Cardrona T-shirts over the stadium mat. Much fun was had with so many rolling a bowl at once, but a nightmare for us workers, to get all the bowls sorted to the correct bags again afterwards.
10th March: An impromptu group of 21 friends played, arranged by Luke Babbington on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. They loved it! ... and plan to come back.
We are now getting returning visitors who have played at a Corporate Event previously, so if there are only a few of them, I promote them to 'do their own thing' by paying their $10 green fees and using the facilities etc supplied in our shed. This seems to be of increasing interest for those who have enjoyed their experiences previously bowling at the WBC
From the Editor
Want to do up your bowls? I stumbled across this on a facebook post on NZ lawn bowls items for sale. Reply was by Daryl Scammell 25 Feb 24.
"It is a very easy job to do yourself, I have probably done 30 sets. Clean the bowls and scrub the rings , monograms and lettering you want to paint with a fingernail brush, get dulux aqua enamel and a small brush. Paint the rings etc and don't worry about the paint that gets on main surface of the bowl, after 1 hour and no more than 2 hours run your fingernail around the rings etc and all extra paint just comes off only leaving the paint where you want it, e.g. the rings and monograms. After this is done leave the bowls for a week for the paint to fully cure. Works perfect. I only use dulux waterbased enamel semi gloss as i know this works great. I have changed colours and repainted bowls for lots of players in Southland and Dunedin and its so easy."