August 2023 Newsletter
From the Board
Exciting news! We've got a brand new BIG TV installed in our club rooms. Now our club members can come together to cheer on our Wanaka and Central Otago bowlers as they compete in televised national competitions. Plus, the TV will be a fantastic asset for coaching sessions too! So Let's enjoy the games and coaching sessions together.
As part of the board's strategic plan, there is a goal to upgrade the club's security for its facilities and members. The feasibility of this upgrade is being explored again, considering advancements in technology and the club's wifi upgrade. A grant from one of the region's gaming trusts is being considered to fund the project.
The Wanaka Bowls Club was founded in 1926 and stands as a testament to the dedication of our members who generously volunteer their time. Our club boasts excellent facilities and is always eager to welcome new helping hands. If you've been contemplating ways to get involved and believe your skill set could contribute, we'd love to hear from you!
"From Stadium Committee:
Further to report/comments on Saturday - our events schedule has been reviewed’
Note this Thurs Aug 3 as normal, - and the Stadium Club Mixed Fours and Pairs have been changed to Aug 10 & 24th.
Thurs Aug 3 - Afternoon bowls will continue as normal.
Tues Aug 8 - Mens’ Fours Tournament: Faulks Trophy
9.30 Start - bring lunch.
Thurs Aug 10 - Stadium Club Mixed Fours - Clubhouse draw
9.30 start - bring lunch .
Thurs Aug 17 - Mixed fours Tournament: Hebbard Trophy
9.30 start - bring lunch.
Thurs Aug 24 - Stadium Club Mixed Pairs - Clubhouse draw.
9.30 start - bring lunch
Sat Aug 26 - Studholme Trophy & Closing Day. “
From Mark Daniels
4 Is the Number
We need one more Men's team of 4 for the Faulks Cup to be played from 9 am on Tuesday 8th of August. If you are interested please let me know.
Slots are now open for the Hebbard Trophy Mixed 4s - There are only spaces for 10 teams so please get your name up on the sheet in the clubrooms as soon as you can. If you don't have a team but would like to play Just write your name on the bottom of the sheet and we will see if we can match you into a team.
From the Treasurer
Subscription Invoices
Invoices will be sent to all current Full Members, Associate and Social Members by the end of this week for payment by the 31 st August 2023. At the AGM held in June the following annual subscriptions were approved as follows:
Full Members: $210 (includes Stadium membership for 2024 Winter)
First Year Players: $135 (includes Stadium membership for 2024 Winter)
Associate Members: $50 (must be a member of another NZ affiliated club)
Social Members: $20 (non-playing members)
Payment is requested by the 31 st August. This is important for two reasons:
1. Summer bowls start in mid-September and you need to be an affiliated member to participate in any competition bowls.
2. If unpaid, your name will not appear in the club’s new Handbook which will be going to print early September.
Payment can be made by direct credit on-line (or at the BNZ branch in Wanaka) to the following bank account:Wanaka Bowling Club, BNZ, Wanaka. 020673 0123427 000 Please ensure your name and/or Invoice number is recorded in the reference columns. If you are unable to make payment in this manner, please contact the Treasurer. Please let me know urgently by email if there are any changes in your circumstances: address, email, phone numbers, changes of membership.
Prepaid Stadium Session Cards
Any unused sessions on your Prepaid card can be refunded, as we are unable to carry them over until next Winter. The process will be for you to hand your card with unused sessions on it, with your name and bank account number for an online payment, to one of our fantastic bar persons who will hold them for me to pick up (thank you fantastic bar people!).
I will then process the payments. Please get them in before the 2nd September, otherwise the remaining amount unfortunately will be forfeited.
Many thanks
Corporate Events Update
June: 9th Aotea Electric v Dunlop Builders playing for a golden bowl!
23rd = Southern Land,
30th= NZ Fine Touring from which we got 2 teams for Tuesday night Trades
July 21st a small group from Burton Ski where he presented prizes for some of his staff who had exceeded expectations in sales etc.
We have quite a few groups in the process of planning their staff nights in the near future. These events really help build funds for our Club.
Kathryn Mitchell
Booking Liaison Officer WBC
Photo below is of the Burton Group.

Stadium Triples Final played 2nd July.
After a very close 1st game against Simon Nyhof (S) Bev Mee and Katherine Mitchell. Congratulations to the winners after the 2nd game: Ken Allison (S) Val Ransom and Jim Cowley. Pictured from left Jim, Val & Ken.

Village v Town 12 July John Barton Memorial Trophy
Village won over town.
For those who are not aware of the significance of the JohnBarton Memorial Trophy, a short word: John Barton was a resident of the Aspiring Retirement Village, who in 2014 donated a cup for a lawn bowls competition, to be played in the Stadium, between the Village and the Town (all the rest of the Wanaka Bowling Club). This is for four teams of three players playing three games of three bowl triples. Originally the
competition was played monthly during the Stadium Winter Programme. However, it became very difficult to find enough players to continually make up the teams, so in 2022 the competition was reduced to just one day’s play. The trophy originally named the John Barton Trophy was renamed the John Barton Memorial Trophy after John’s demise. Since 2014 the trophy has been won 6 times by Town and 4 times by the Village (includes this year {2023}).
Men's Triples Champ of Champs Report played 14 & 15 July
Todd, Ken, and Mark competed in the champ of champs event in Dunedin, and guess what? It was televised on the Bowls TV channel on YouTube! While their team didn't get the results they wanted, they returned home with a sense of excitement, knowing they were part of a televised event. They learned a lot and can't wait to try again next year. Great job, guys! The next challenge awaits.
Trade Bowls 19 July
As part of the regular Wednesday night trade bowls - Jo and Ken arranged a special fancy dress night to celebrate the Women’s World Cup football - come dressed as your favourite team was the theme

to one of our dual members, Pip Kiddey, who skipped the Omakau team to a Bronze medal in the Champ of Champs 4s on July 23rd in Auckland.

Clyde v Wanaka - played at Wanaka 23 July
Wanaka won with 108 points v Clyde 83. Pictured is Bev Mee accepting the cup being the only female skip. Ken also catered a lovely afternoon tea with assorted sandwiches, sausage rolls and sponge cakes. Lovely day enjoyed by all.
Those played from Wanaka were:
Skips: Tim Scurr, Bev Mee, Stu Hurley, Simon Nyhof
Thirds: Margaret Young, Jo Stock, Rhonda Hurley, Jim Cowie,
Leads: Gilda Cameron, Helen Alison, Dave Minson, Kathryn Mitchell

Studholme Memorial Weekly Score Sheet 2023
Results after 29 July
High Flyer Person of Interest
Jim Feehly dreamed of joining the airforce as a little boy with his model airplanes but wasn't able to fulfill his dream until he was 21 and signed up. He graduated as a pilot in 1963. Jim went on to fly jet Vampires for the No 75 Squadron. He became valuable to the RNZAF as a demonstrator and trainor with several titles added to his portfolio.
His most memorable moment was when, flying a Harvard, putting in a mock rocket attack (diving at the target) that the Harvard had a massive overspeed and engine failure. Pulling up he looked for somewhere to force land. (Wasn’t high enough to bale out by parachute). The forced landing was successfully completed into a small paddock that had been mowed. Two interesting things happened during this and he put it down to adrenaline; at the subsequent Court of Enquiry he was asked how long from pulling up until he was on the ground, the reply was 3-4 minutes. When the same question was put to the two Skyhawk pilots who were working with Jim the answer was 30-40 seconds!!! After landing the canopy jammed and it was necessary to get out quickly because of fire. Jim smashed two thick panes of perspex with hisfist and got out through a hole the no-one could fit through. But he did and has a photo to prove it – adrenaline!!
After leaving the RNZAF, Jim continued to work in the industry in both New Zealand and also a period of 6 years from 1996 in the Royal Brunei Airlines (RBA), living in Bandar Seri Begawan, to set up their training school to convert local pilots to fly Boeing B767 aircraft. In 2016 when Air NZ retired their B767 aircraft Jim also retired.
Thanks to Jim for his input into this story which has been edited. Should anyone like to read his full story please email. me.

Jim in the cockpit of a Vampire T11 dual seat training aircraft of No. 75 Squadron.
Coming Up
The schedule for the 2023 World Bowls Championships has been locked in ahead of the biggest edition of the event in its history.
Five clubs on Australia’s Gold Coast will play host to the largest instalment of the World Championships across 12 days of bowls action.
More than 400 competitors from 44 countries around the world will descend on the Gold Coast from August 29 – September 10, competing in 1244 matches at the first World Bowls Championships since 2016.
We'll be updating you on televised games in NZ closer the time.