February 2023 Newsletter.
From the President.
I hope everyone s managing to stay cool during this particularly hot summer weather we are experiencing.
The Fulton Hogan ‘Wanaka Classic’ took place earlier this month and fortunately the weather cooled down a little for it.
Once again it was successfully run due to the great organisation and support we receive from our volunteers. Special thanks to Kate and her team who had a tremendous response from their request for helpers.The catering was outstanding.
Thank you to each and everyone of you who pulled together to make the tournament a success .
Congratulations to the Central Otago ladies teams that won the Southern 6 rep.fixture in Dunedin at the weekend in which our own Marilyn Steel, Jo Stock and Bev Mee took part in. Well done Girls.
Wanaka Bowling Club will host 2 days of qualifying rounds for the Nationals mixed pairs on 27th and 28th Feb.
Please mark your Calendar for these dates as there is bound to be some of NZs best bowlers in action and some entertaining matches to watch.
Men's Midweek Tournament
It was lovely to see 64 men enjoying morning tea on Wednesday 18th January midweek West Zone Tournament. Photo on right pictures Neil Buchanan to the right of the two blue Queenstown men. He is currently one of the Central Otago women's selectors / (prior?) coaches. Some might know his wife Christine who has "well trained" pink bowls... A little bird told me they've joined Elmwood in Christchurch as social members but we hope Neil and Christine stay playing and supporting Cental Otago. When queried Neil would not comment on their future plans. Thanks Neil for all you've done for Central Otago Bowls..

Women's Day 18 January
Winners of the Women's January Ferns were from left: Raewyn Hall; Gilda Cameron; & Marilyn Steel. Congratulations and Happy 90th birthday to Ethel Templeton. Long time Wanaka local and bowling club member.
Fulton Hogan Men's Classic Fours Invitational
11 & 12 January 2023
Fourteen teams played with bowlers joining teams from as far as Nelson to play in our premier annual two day tournament. The event was played in perfect weather with the temperature heating up for the final on Thursday afternoon. Many spectators enjoyed the high standard of bowls and the food provided by our catering staff was much appreciated.
The Central Otago composite team of Dion Kiddey (Omakau); Alex Crawford (Hawea); Kelvin Jackson (Arrowtown); and Carl Street (Roxburgh) eventually took out the Wanaka Team comprised of Murray Finn; Michael Bridgland; Ken Mitchell and John Leith in the final.
Winning team from left:
Kelvin Jackson 2nd; Alex Crawfor 3rd; Dion Kiddey skip; Carl Street lead.

Bar Staff
This photo was taken at the Fulton Hogan Wanaka Men's Classic Fours.
This is our bar manager " Paul Matheson" in the centre rear of the photo. When he is not helping in the bar and playing bowls ask Paul about horses... (I think racing horses...)
Amy Swain is on the right, we're very happy she will be more available this year to help in the bar and play bowls more often. Amy's husband Todd, is on the left.
A new addition to the bar staff is Kathryn Mitchell, not pictured but seen helping just prior to this photo.

Grandmothers Day 24 January
Our Grandmother's Tournament was well supported with 56 women from Central Otago participating. Queenstown had 2.5 teams entered and came out with first and second place. First place pictured from left Wendy Paterson, Jane Anderson, Andrea Dowman and Kath Mann. The Harris Family sponsors the tournament and both Neville and Mary were present. Mary delighted us by presenting the prizes and gave a brief talk about how much she used to enjoy playing bowls at Wanaka. She's pictured enjoying a social time afterwards.

Men's Match Committee - Fin
Congratulations to Mark Daniels who has won the Junior Singles with two lives
Mark Daniels and Frank Ruddiman have won the Junior Pairs also with two lives.
Would Saturday managers please make sure all details are put on the sheets with remuneration as to what division was played etc to make the Treasurer's job easier.
Pictured in photo from left: Frank Ruddiman; Mark Daniels

Grip Products:
Our Club has in stock two brands of polish/grip products – Wilgrip and Betts. If you feel the need to use, or are using, these products please read below.
There is no bowls polish or grip product that is suitable for use on our synthetic surface. All polishes and grip products gradually adhere to the bowling surface attracting dust and leaving dirty track marks on the playing surface.
You can however use the grip products we have in stock on your hands. Another good product is the Grippit cloth (available from Hunter Bowls), especially good in wet conditions and/or if you have trouble with holding your bowl. (Just cut a piece off and tuck it in your pocket for easy access.) This is available through Hunter Bowls NZ.
Note: You can use the grip products on your bowls when playing on grass surfaces.
If you keep your bowls clean using the process below, you are less likely to need the use of grip products
on your bowls.
1. Use a wooden toothpick to clean the grips. Many lawn bowls have grips to help you hold the bowls
more easily during gameplay. Dirt and grime can quickly build up in the grips, especially if your bowls
have ring or groove grips. Before washing your bowl, chip any stubborn dirt out of the grips with a large wooden toothpick (not metal).
2. Wash the bowls in warm water with mild detergent, eg dishwashing liquid Rub the bowls with your hands or a microfibre washcloth to dislodge any stubborn dirt.
3. Dry the bowls with a microfibre towel or soft cloth, or airdry them.

Here is a link I found on the Alexandra Bowling Club website about the Summerset Nationals coming up. It has quite a bit more information.
Latest Interclub and Pennant Results
Click for Men's Saturday Pennants Div 1 after 28 January
Click for Men's Saturday Pennants Div 2 after 28 January
Click for Men's Wednesday Pennants West Zone after 25 January​