February Newsletter (Covering 2 months)
From the President
Welcome to the first newsletter for 2024.
I trust everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing Xmas and New Year break.
The second half of our bowling calendar commenced with the running of the Fulton Hogan/Rockgas McIvor Plumbing Wanaka Classic which was played in rather blustery conditions.
Many thanks to our sponsors,organisers and volunteers to make this yet another successful and enjoyable tournament.
Club championships are well underway with competition getting down to the sharp end.
Please inform Barbara of any finals that are to take place so members can be notified and come along to support.
Congratulations to members who were recently selected to represent the Centre, attend the Nationals, taken part in Centre championships and representing our club so well.
Barbara suggested I add a little coaching tip, so here goes.
Wind in your face,add more pace,
Wind up your A- - e , take more grass.
Good bowling for 2024
This Weeks Rollup
Thurs 1st Women's Club 1-5 Champ pairs 8.30am
Fri 2nd Progressive All Welcome 1pm
Sat3rd Men Prem @ Wan, Div 1 @ADC, Div 2@ Arrowtown
Mon 5th Men's Club Day 1.15pm
Tues 6th Trade Bowls 6pm clear green by 5pm
Wed 7th Women's Club Day Ferns 9.15am
Wed 7th Mens Pennants @ Queenstown
Thurs 8th Women's Club Champs 1-5 Singles 8.30am
Fri 9th Progressive All Welcome 1pm
Changes to Saturday Men's Pennants Coming up. If in doubt the shed will be up to date
On Saturday Feb 17th Premier will play Bannockburn at home
Division one will play Bannockburn away
Division two will play Roxburgh at home.
On Saturday Feb 24th no Premier
Division one will play Cromwell at home.
Division two will play Arrowtown away
There are Central Otago men's and womens Junior singles tournament in Queenstown on Sunday 11th February.
There are some entries in already and it would be good to have some more. Entries need to be in by Sunday 4th February.
Men enquiries to Fin McRae
Women to Jan Allen
Bowls TV
Some good bowls on TV coming up this weekend with the Trans Tasman clash in Naenae on 2nd, 3rd, 4th February. All three days will be broadcast on Sky Sport 4 and Bowls NZ YouTube channel from 8.45am.
Men's Classic
The annual 2 day Wanaka Classic sponsored by Fulton Hogan and Rockgas McIvor Plumbing Wanaka took place on Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 January under blustery conditions with a full field and players from various parts of the South Island taking part.
The main event was taken out by the father and son combinations of Tony & Thomas Cockerill along with Terry & Jamie Lynch from Gore defeating Tom Malcolm (Wanaka),
Malcolm Van Rensburg (Cromwell), Leo Leonard (Timaru) and Winston McLachlan (Gore)
12-10 in the final.
The plate event was won by by Richie Muir, Dave Heath, Richard Byrne, and Fin McRae
from Bruce Robertson, Ross Niles, Ken Muir and Dave Minson.
Photo; Winning Team from left: Terry Lynch, Jamie Lynch, Thomas Cockerill, Tony Cockerill , all from Southland, Gore.

Grandmothers Tournament
Our grandmothers tournament went ahead on Tuesday 23 January as planned, in spite of the inclement weather. The 10 visiting teams played in our cosy stadium.
Pictured is our sponsor Mary Harris (far left) presenting to the winning Cromwell team: Miriam, Pat, Jo, Ailex.

Corporate Event Report
We only had two Corporate Events in January, The December Bookings were listed in advance in the previous newsletter.:
25th - Logic 1, only a few players but they enjoyed their afternoon, and are keen to enter a team in the Winter Trade Bowls. Thankyou to Kay Outram and Paul Mathieson for getting them underway, until we (Mitchell's) relieved them for the last couple of hours.
26th - Meehan, private function, thank you to Mark and the Malcolm's for hosting this event. Photo is of the retro 30th birthday.
I had many other enquiries, but if they were only a small groups, then I promoted them using the equipment provided in the shed, thus only costing them green fees. Those that are keen to get more guidance and bar facilities will return, and will have to be prepared to pay the minimum fee for the service we provide.
Organiser: Kathryn Mitchell

Runners Up Central Otago Mixed Pairs played over 9 & 10 December in Queenstown
From left: Bev Mee and Richie Muir. Runners up in Central Otago Arvida Mixed Pairs after a battle against Jo Toogood (Hawea) and Jeff McCandless (Arrowtown)
There were 38 teams from around CO. Wanaka was well represented with 6 teams plus 2 composite teams.

Womens Ferns
Beautiful morning to start off the ladies day for 2024 year. Afterwards there was a delicious potluck lunch. Congratulations winners of January Ferns: Margaret Read, Judy Briggs, Gina Campbell.
Congratulations winners of ladies December ferns. From left: Delma Guy, Helen Allison, Gilda Cameron

Men's Old Mug
January: Peter Herbert and Grant Clark. December: Sandy Morris, Frank Beardsley and Phil Davidson.

Matt Ecroyd .. Bayleys tournament

Congratulations to the winners of the Matt Ecroyd .. Bayleys tournament. Played on a beautiful Monday afternoon 18 December. From left. Yvonne Gale. Stu Hurley. Rae Hammond
Ladies Christmas Lunch 13 December (Click in photo then arrows to scroll)
Christmas Fun Get together 17 December (Click in photo then arrows to scroll)
December 15, 2023 · Last day of Progressive for the year.