June 2023 Newsletter
From the President
With the Summer season now drawn to a close play is now underway with Stadium bowls.The outdoor green will be closed completely for the months of June and July and will be available for rollups after noon in August.
Earlier in the year parts of the North Island was ravaged by Cyclone Gabrielle and the Board pledged to make a donation to a bowling club that was seriously affected as we did a few years ago after the Christchurch earthquakes.
After consultation with Bowls N.Z.we decided to donate $1000.00 to the Waipawa Bowling Club in the Hawkes Bay.Their story and letter of thanks is attached to this newsletter.
The Bowling club recently hosted a group of 13 enthusiastic Mount Aspiring College students who completed an 8 week course towards their N.C.A exams.All the pupils thoroughly enjoyed their experience and I would like to thank Bill Turnbull for helping me out with this exercise and to Stu for marking out the circles on the green.
Who knows we may have sown a seed for some future bowlers.
No doubt some of you will be heading away to warmer climates over the Winter but for those that remain in Wanaka remember that the Stadium is always warm.
Just a reminder that the AGM takes place on Sat.17th June following the Studholme Trophy matches and I urge you to attend as we need a minimum of 42 members present to form a Quorum.
Stay warm,stay safe,

Mt Aspiring Students
Some Prizegiving Photos

Most Improved Jnr Woman
Raewyn Hall

Bowls Left in the Stadium
Please note, that if members leave their bowls in the Stadium, they are not covered by the Club's insurance policy. Also, please show consideration to others by storing them tidily in the area near the toilets.
Stadium Update
- The weekly Tues afternoon 2x4x2 session has been cancelled.
- The Studholme Trophy starts on Sat June 10 - draw will be up shortly.
- Due to a change in policy, our weekly results will no longer be published in the Wanaka Sun.
They will continue to report on special events/ tournaments etc.
- Trevor Tattersfield
Bookings Report
" The Corporate Events" are going strong with 3 successful evenings being held in the month of May.
I have made a few changes to make the Events a little easier to run, labelling the Clubs bowls in their sizes for convenience of the participants. Plus I have had volunteers agree to run One Event per year, (Thank you to All Those Members!) but I am always looking for more helpers, as it gets extremely busy prior December with all the Business's Pre-Xmas 'Do's'
This earns very good funds for our Club, and I look forward to many more of you members volunteering and 'stepping up' to do 'Your Bit!' Helping in this way, is certainly better and easier than other means of fundraising.
If you willing to help me in this endeavour, please contact me! All members welcome. With thanks,
Kathryn Mitchell,
Booking Liaison Officer for WBC at: 0274437950
House Convenor Report
The Building Committee (Phil Davidson & Mel Campbell) have much to be pleased about with the progress being made during the break of the Summer and Stadium bowling seasons.
Firstly, that the new LED lights have been installed along the Stadium foyer.
Secondly; a new ramp has been built at the Stadium Entrance which provides easier access to bowlers and delivery personel coming into the Stadium.
Plus the bigger project, of fixing the stadium wall! (Thank you to all those members who helped with the arduous task of removing the old roughcast) which was required for the repairs to be undertaken... The painting of the building exterior is planned to be completed in the Spring.
Lastly, the purchase and preparation to install of a new "up to date 75" Panasonic TV" which has all the new 'apps', enabling the Club Members to enjoy watching any Championship Bowling Events sponsored from Bowls NZ on YouTube, plus, it will be a huge benefit in assisting the Coaches with further training for new and existing members.
Lastly, I wish to thank all of those members involved that helped make all this happen, which has resulted in great savings for the club.
Ken Mitchell
House Convenor.
Still Looking for Bar Personnel
The Board is seeking any member/members who would be interested in obtaining a Bar Manager's Certificate.
Our Liquor Licence requires that someone with this qualification should be available, or readily contacted, at all times when the Bar is open.
Paul Matheson, our Bar Manager, is doing a stirling job, but we need other volunteers with certificates to allow us to legally operate if/when Paul is absent.
We have some wonderful people helping with bar duties at the moment - perhaps some of you may be prepared to take a further step and gain a certificate at the Club's expense?
If interested, please contact our House Convenor, Ken Mitchell - Phone 027 443 9596
Not all the champs were present so Click here for Full List
Couple of Interest
When Gordon and Raewyn Hall became Film Stars.
Thanks to our innovative ex mayor down in Invercargill, Mayor Shadbolt managed to pull off the making of the Burt Munro Film "The World's Fastest Indian" starring Anthony Hopkins. Raewyn says Hopkins was a lovely gentleman and they danced Rock n Roll as feature artists in the film with a 90 second slot at Burt's farewell party.
They've been dancing for more than 30 years in dozens of competitions winning dozens of medals around the country. They still dance and help in Lowburn regularly teaching.
Over the years Raewyn has had a lot of costumes all of which she has made herself along with most of Gordon's. She tells me she about a dozen costumes and shoes still in her wardrobe and most recently they won the best dressed Central Otago couple again this April.

From the Editor:
Thanks to all those members who respond to my requests for information. I am always looking for new content and photos about the club, members and bowls at large. I received some positive feedback about the member of interest section. The member of interest gets to peruse prior to publishing so they have control over what I print. If you or a mate have something to share please let me have it.
Through the Bowls NZ YouTube channel, Facebook, Bowls Australia you can watch live or past streams. On our Bowls TV page is just a portion of what you can watch. If you are new to bowls you can pick up tips about the play of the game as well as studying some of the great and varied deliveries. NZ continues to compete well. My picks for this month are
Final World Indoor Singles 12 May 2023 Women NZ v Scotland
Final World Indoor Singles 12 May 2023 Men NZ v Australia
Cheers Barbara