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Spring No 2 Newsletter. 1st November 2024

Marilyn: One of our Stalwarts is Leaving Us.


Marilyn Steel is off to live in Nelson in a few days. On Wednesday 28 October the Wanaka Women Bowlers held an afternoon tea for Marilyn to celebrate her time with us.


Marilyn came to bowl at our club 11 years ago after an injury put an end to her golfing career. She quickly rose to represent both Wanaka and Central Otago in countless fixtures. She has collected 13 championship titles in Wanaka over all the disciplines. In Central Otago she holds the longest consecutive wins of the 1-10 pairs fixture winning 6 years in a row, 3 times with Margaret Young, twice with Val Ransom and once with Bev Mee. Marilyn joined with Richie Muir and Tom Malcolm and played in the Bowls 3-5 tournament in Omakau since its inception. Tom remembers they always were in the money and won in 2022. Tom also teamed with Marilyn in the Central Otago pairs coming runner-up more than once to the Muir/ Buchanan pair. Val Ransom has commented "not only have they had many a close tussle but has great memories of the enjoyable times playing with Marilyn in Central Otago and Wanaka teams".


Not only did Marilyn throw herself into playing the game of bowls, since 2018 she has held one of the most important positions on the Wanaka Bowling Club Board, that of treasurer. In recent years Marilyn has also been involved in coaching some of our junior bowlers. 


Something to Smile About Printed In Wanaka Sun 25th Oct


Kim Tilly and Jo Stock (skip) upset the highly rated Alexandra women Tina Jerrom and Yvonne McCutcheon in the final of the Tall Poppy Pairs on Sunday 20th October winning 24-10 at Alexandra.


The first Open Tournament for Central Otago for the season commenced on Saturday with a full eight hours of play followed by more than six hours on Sunday. In the women's section there were 22 teams entered from around Central Otago with 4 women's teams entered from Wanaka. In the lineup were Amy Swain and Barb Wilson who were eliminated by their club mates in the semifinals 11-14. The women's team of Barbara Wilson and Jan Allen also played well to qualify for post section play. In the men's section there were 28 teams entered. Tom Malcolm and Richie Muir from Wanaka were eliminated in the semifinals by the Clyde men Conor Muir and Dave Chisholm 13-16.

Kim and Jo will now advance as the Central Otago representatives in the New Zealand Champ of Champs 2025 Women's pairs to be held in Hastings 15-17 August 2025. A great result for Wanaka.

Coming Up in Central Otago


​Affinity Tournament 4s to be played 9&10 November; Men at Roxburgh; Women at ADC.  Entries close on Bowls Hub Sunday 3rd November at 7pm.

Bowling Grips


In the winter I came across a man with a set of Drakes Pride with the new channel grip so I asked if I could bowl them. I was surprised that they felt misleadingly light. I assume because of the weight distribution related to the grips. (They were one weight size up from mine) Worth a look if you need to change your bowls. 


Some of the Taylor Bowls models are now coming out with "Extreme Grip" this is similar but not quite as deep as the Drakes Pride. The new Greenmaster models have this feature as well. Aero Bowls have followed in May releasing their new grip. Henselite have only brought out the Tiger series with the enhanced grips so far as I can see.


Suggest you try before you buy. 


Drakes Pride


Events held in Sept/Oct 2024


Sept: 7th:  Phil and Karen celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary.  Congratulations on your achievement.
Sept 12th:  Kim Tilly ran a very successful "Multidisciplinary Health Providers Forum" for approx 35 Health Professionals for a full day.

Oct 1st:  Chris Wright organised an evening for Rotary Men.
Oct 15th: Cardrona/Treble Cone celebrated their 'End of Season' with bowls and a BBQ
Oct 20th:  NZ v OZ afternoon games after a lovely lunch.  A group from the Sunshine Coast gave us a "run for our money!"
Oct 28th:  Dropping Inn Get together for 45-50 people after the Mens' Day play.


Further to the above: 

Oct 9th:  After Function Funeral for Nick Mayen: The club was pleased to be able to host this function for one of our very dedicated past members. Nick spent many years bowling and volunteering in our club. In particular he volunteered many hours of his time for years at Trade Bowls cutting onions and spreading bread.


Nov-Dec;  There are heaps of bookings for November and December.  Please make yourself available if asked to help, as we have many events following each other.  This is our chance to make up for 'down time' over the winter months when bookings were quiet.


Kathryn Mitchell: Events Coordinator

Aubrey Function 11 October


The Aubrey team making good use of the new BBQ area to celebrate the end of the Studholme Trophy with a well earned 2nd place.  So lovely to have the partners of the team attend. As they are often home holding the fort when bowls and a taking place. 


Coaching with Simon is going well attracting good numbers as seen in the video from 10th October.


Simon says"Rain or sun we bowl. If it's really bad we will go inside"


Beginners coaching with Marilyn finished on the 25th October. We are very grateful to Marilyn for giving our bowlers such a great start. All those participating have given glowing comments.​​​

Aussie Visit


The visiting bowlers from the Sunshine Coast arrived Sunday 20 October as part of their schedule visiting Central Otago and Southland. After a lovely BBQ lunch two games were played with the Aussies coming out the victors. They were a lot of fun and enjoyed themselves. Thank you to the players and especially the catering staff and other helpers.

Editors TV Pick


Some good commentary and deliveries:

Singles womens match in the Australian State Playoff Champs 24 October. 25 shots up -  Kristina Krstic (WA) vs Unayamee Moffatt (SA)​​ Click here for the You Tube Link

25 October: Men's Singles - Final25 shots up - Cody Packer (WA) vs Jay Bye-Norris (VIC)

​Click here for the You Tube Link


Note that you do not need to pay for you Tube if you can put up with the advertisements.

Results from Bowls Hub (Sorry make your page larger to read this)

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